Responsible for this Website is:
Natural Style GmbH
General Manager: Gregory S. Smith
Reginfriedstr. 3
D-81547 München (München-Giesing)
Telefone in office: 0049 - (0)89 - 6118295
FAX in office: 0049 - (0)89 - 6118296
e-mail: as well as
personally responsible:
Gregory S. Smith
Business Registration:
HRB 143329 Amtsgericht München
Tax Authority:
Finanzamt München f. Körpersch.
Str-Nr. 819/20642
Disputes arising out of a purchase: If you have a dispute with a purchase from us, and are not satisifed with our proposed solution, you may use the European Commissions "Online Dispute Resolution" proceedure.